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Privacy Policy

At uptown-pokies.com, we would like you to know that your privacy is very important to us and we take it seriously; we employ a strict policy to ensure that your privacy is protected when it comes to any information that you might provide us through our website, uptown-pokies.com, and other sites we own and/or operate. We only ask for personal or sensitive information when it is truly necessary so that we can provide you with the quality services that you are looking for. We go out of our way to ensure that any information we collect is done in a fair and lawful way that includes your knowledge and consent at all times; we make sure that when any such information is being collected there is no ambiguity about what is being done or how that information will be used.

Any personal or sensitive information that we happen to collect is retained only as long as it is necessary to do so as far as the services being provided are concerned. We protect any data that we store through commercially acceptable methods so that loss, theft, disclosure, or any other unauthorized use do not become an issue. We will only share personally identifying information if it is required by law.